Rebekah and Conor chose the Salt Flats for their formal portraits, which we think is always a great decision. There is nothing like the white expansive backdrop of the Salt Flats, especially when you are dressed in formal clothing. It is beyond stunning!
We love shooting at the Salt Flats, even if it means having to drive several hours into the desert. We have another blog post full of tips and tricks for planning your Salt Flats session if you’re interested in having your photos taken at the Salt Flats.
View our Tips for the Salt Flats Portrait Sessions –
This is one of our all time favorite Salt Flat sessions. The gown Rebekah wore was to die for, and we loved Conor’s maroon suit. It was so unique, and so true to who they are as a couple. Plus, the bouquet from Courtney at Posie’s Floral pulled the whole look together.
The Salt Flats really showed off. In the spring, it can be hit or miss. We love when the Salt Flats are flooded, but in this case they were dry and the veining was really prominent, and made a huge difference in how these portraits came out.
We hope you love Rebekah and Conor’s formal portraits as much as we did!