Bekah and Christian signed the contract for their wedding the morning that I went into the hospital to have McKay. Austin and I were so excited to get to work with them, that we had a little 3 minute (between contractions) celebration at the hospital – and all the nurses looked at us like we were crazy.
Getting to know Bekah & Christian (and their people) was truly an honor. Wisconsin wasn’t on dream destination list, but this Wisconsin wedding changed all that. I mean, a 40 degree wedding day that has a wind chill making it feel like 20? That’s the dream. 😉 In all seriousness, this wedding was one of the coldest we have ever shot. Something was in the air up there, it was truly BITING. That wasn’t enough to stop Bekah & Christian. They braved the cold not once, not twice, but THREE times for some epic (and fun) portraits. Did we mention we love a couple who drinks champagne straight from the bottle?
Put your feet up and travel to Greenbay with us while we reflect on this Wisconsin wedding day!